Our Commitment

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Our ambition

Energy is life. Whether for cooking, heat or transport, we need it each day. At TotalEnergies, we are a broad energy company driven by one ambition: being a world-classe player in the energy transition by producing and supplying energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to the greatest number.


More energy, fewer emissions

Climate change is one of the most daunting challenges of the 21st century and we have chosen to support the objectives of the Paris Agreement commitments. To ensure that the needs of a growing population are met in a sustainable manner, we will need to produce and supply energy in greater quantities, but above all, in a better way, by limiting our emissions through diversifying our mix to include more renewable and decarbonised energy. And we have set ourselves ambitious reduction goals for all our global operations, both for our operated industrial facilities (Scopes 1 and 2) and for emissions resulting from the use of our products by our customers (Scope 3).


Reinventing energy

To better address climate change, we need to reinvent energy and the way we produce and consume it by acting on two fronts: avoiding/reducing/offsetting our emissions and offering a less carbonintensive energy mix. To achieve this, we are constantly improving our operational excellence and energy performance to make economical and rational use of fossil fuels and generate as few emissions as possible. We are also accelerating the deployment of renewable and decarbonized energy through strong R&D and innovation in strategic areas, such as renewable electricity storage with our subsidiary Saft. In renewables, we are pursuing two ambitious goals for 2030: to join the world's top five renewables producers and to have a gross renewable electricity generation capacity of 100 GW. In this way, we are acting to contribute to the carbon neutrality of society. After all, it is only by working together - public authorities, energy sector players, businesses and civil society - that we can achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.


The strengths that set us apart

Present in more than 130 countries, our more than 100,000 employees are the energy that drives us forward. They are our greatest strength. Oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gas, renewables and electricity: every day, they combine their expertise and know-how to provide the world's populations with the energy they need. From production to distribution and processing, they are involved in all energy value chains and, thanks to the strength of our integrated model, invent ever more innovative technological solutions for our customers.



TotalEnergies places sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its strategy, projects and operations to contribute to people’s well-being and aims to be a benchmark for endorsement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.


TotalEnergies is transforming to reinvent energy and become a world-class player in the energy transition, engaged towards getting to net zero by 2050, together with society.

This choice stems from a deeply-held conviction that everyone on the planet has the right to have access to energy – reliable, affordable energy that is a source of economic and social development. At the same time, people expect a clear and responsible commitment from businesses to preserve the climate for future generations.

The energy transition is under way. Our Company is transforming to provide tangible, sustainable solutions to the dual challenge of more energies, less emissions.

Our Projects

Our Partners

INPEX Corporation

INPEX Corporation is Japan’s largest Oil & Gas Exploration and Production (E&P) company. It also engages in the projects to achieve net zero society through stable supply of diverse and clean energies including hydrogen and renewables.

TotalEnergies and Inpex teamed up for the first time in Indonesia in 1967 to develop the Mahakam Block in East Kalimantan. This initial partnership is often referred to as the Japanese oil industry’s most successful story and a model of French-Japanese industrial cooperation.

Since then, we have extended our partnership there and work together on multiple projects such as :

  • Abu Dhabi (ADCO, Lower Zakum Oil Field),
  • Australia (Ichthys LNG),
  • Kazaksthan (Kashagan),
  • Azerbaidjan (BTC pipeline),
  • and more ...

See the website

Mitsui & Co.

TotalEnergies and Mitsui notably cooperate in Exploration & Production for the Tempa Rossa onshore project, located in southern Italy.

Mitsui is one of the Japan’s Big 5 general trading companies.